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Prospectors for new oil and gas reserves in Greenland can forget
Next March 8th, German high-end audio products brand Sennheiser is launching one of the most interesting 3D printed consumer products seen yet: the new Sennheiser IE 600. These 3D printed earphones will be integrating a housing serially additively manufactured on a Trumpf laser PBF system, usi
A large, almost loft-style suite on the 16th floor housed a big, all-out system presented by Bending Wave USA, the Florida-based distributor/dealer for Germany's Göbel Audio (among other brands); their name nods to Göbel Audio's bending wave drivers. At the end of a no-holds-barred
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In a study set to appear in the journal Materials Today Communications, a unique finding of an atypical carbon phase nucleated on the iron fillin
The 1964 Chrysler 300K has an amazing classic look and a powerful engine.
For many years, the Chrysler 300 was the company's most popular vehicle. They were always equipped with the most powerful engines and the most luxurious options available. Notably, Chrysler 300 series has been
Mercedes-Benz unveiled the VISION EQXX electric concept car (earlier post)—a highly efficient, sleek concept car capable of exceeding 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) on a single charge with an outstanding energy consumption of less than 10 kWh per 100 kilometers (efficiency of more than 6 m
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Unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock (literally) you already know that Nectar is brand behind some of the most comfortable and most popular mattresses on the market. What started with one simple, entry-lev
Global Membrane Structures Market report outlines business development status, size, volume, value, Application Segmentation, and Type Segmentation, as well as SWOT analysis.In-depth analysis on the competitive landscape of the global market, the development of technology.In addition, regional de
E-mail Sherry Listgarten About this blog: Climate change, despite its outsized impact on the planet, is still an abstract concept to many of us. That needs to change. My hope is that readers of this blog will develop a better understanding of how our climate is evolving a... (More) Abou